Close&Delete account

John Carls

Last Update 2 jaar geleden

Delete​ Account on the PC Web
You need to log in to the ZKE account first, find the avatar icon in the upper right corner of the webpage, and find "Account management" in the drop-down option, as shown in the picture:

In Account Management, find the "log out" section and click the "Delete Account" button.

Carefully understand the details of account cancellation and be careful with this operation. If you must log off if you are confirmed, please click the check box to understand all consequences and agree to log off procedure. Finally, click the blue button "Delete Account" to complete the log off operation.

Delete​ account on the mobile APP

First, log in to your account and click the people icon in the top left corner to go to the Personal Center.

Click on "Security Center"

In the Security center, locate the "Log out of account" column and click "Delete Account".

Carefully understand the details of account cancellation and be careful with this operation. If you must log off if you are confirmed, please click the check box to understand all consequences and agree to log off procedure. Finally, click the blue button "Log off Account" to complete the log off operation.

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